Coming Out: A Christian Girl's Story of Coming Out of Same-Sex Relationships by Rachel Plyler


There’s never a moment I regret leaving same-sex relationships behind.

But it was not always so.

What you will find in the pages of this book is the painful story of a girl who experienced broken intimacy, a shattered identity, and a lack of anything real to hold onto - until she made the hard choice to come out of hiding and expose the lies and secrets, taking back her God-given identity and destiny.

It's a new kind of closet to come out of. It's a tale that rings true about the constant love and acceptance of an ever-present God. It's about a place where darkness cannot overcome light. It's the epic battle where the intense and overwhelming power of shame is ultimately broken and exchanged for freedom.

And its core, this isn't just a story about homosexuality. This is the story of all of us, driven to search for more and finding it in Jesus.


There’s never a moment I regret leaving same-sex relationships behind.

But it was not always so.

What you will find in the pages of this book is the painful story of a girl who experienced broken intimacy, a shattered identity, and a lack of anything real to hold onto - until she made the hard choice to come out of hiding and expose the lies and secrets, taking back her God-given identity and destiny.

It's a new kind of closet to come out of. It's a tale that rings true about the constant love and acceptance of an ever-present God. It's about a place where darkness cannot overcome light. It's the epic battle where the intense and overwhelming power of shame is ultimately broken and exchanged for freedom.

And its core, this isn't just a story about homosexuality. This is the story of all of us, driven to search for more and finding it in Jesus.

There’s never a moment I regret leaving same-sex relationships behind.

But it was not always so.

What you will find in the pages of this book is the painful story of a girl who experienced broken intimacy, a shattered identity, and a lack of anything real to hold onto - until she made the hard choice to come out of hiding and expose the lies and secrets, taking back her God-given identity and destiny.

It's a new kind of closet to come out of. It's a tale that rings true about the constant love and acceptance of an ever-present God. It's about a place where darkness cannot overcome light. It's the epic battle where the intense and overwhelming power of shame is ultimately broken and exchanged for freedom.

And its core, this isn't just a story about homosexuality. This is the story of all of us, driven to search for more and finding it in Jesus.

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