We, as citizens of the United States of America, are faced with the moral and spiritual decay of our nation. United as Christians across denominational lines, we make a public declaration beginning in Washington, D.C., on October 12, 2024. We sign this declaration, committing to defend the following truths:

We declare the sanctity of human life.¹

Every person is made in the image of God from the womb; therefore, life is sacred from conception to natural death. We stand against the act of murder inside or outside the womb, as well as every form of child abuse. 

We declare that biological gender is sacred.²

God made each of us male or female. Biological gender is sacred and cannot be changed through imagination, behavior, or medical intervention. We stand against the mutilation and destruction of biological gender. 

We declare the family is the foundation of a healthy nation

God established the family unit between a man and a woman. He gave them the responsibility and authority to protect and sustain the family. We stand against any evil that seeks to steal parental rights and destroy the family. 

We declare the right to freedom of religion.⁴

In the First Amendment, our founding fathers established our right to practice religion freely, as well as the freedoms of speech and peaceful assembly. We stand against tyranny that prohibits us from exercising our First Amendment rights. 

As Christians, our strong rejection of sin must never become the rejection of people who are also made in the image of God. We share the truth, but never without love.

We stand before Almighty God, surrendering our comfort and silence. We commit to raising our voices to defend these eternal truths. We will proclaim the message of our Lord Jesus Christ in its total fullness. No power on earth, cultural or political, will silence or intimidate us. 

God, we humbly cry out for your help and strength to carry out this mission and save our children, families, and nation. 

I declare, “My voice matters.” 

Inspired by the Manhattan Declaration (2009), and the Lima Declaration (2016)

Scripture References:
1. Psalm 8:4-5, Psalm 139:13, Jeremiah 1:5, Exodus 20:13. 2. Genesis 1:27, Genesis 5:2, Matthew 19:4, Deuteronomy 22:5. 3. Genesis 2:23-24, Mark 10:6-9, Deut. 6:7-8, Psalm 127:3-5. 4. Galatians 5:13-14, Galatians 5:1, 1 Peter 2:16, Luke 4:18